Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welcome back!

Yep! So after a LONG winter nap, I'm ready for another year of fashion, fun and food (I've made nearly 5 batches of Rice Krispy Treats and am SOOO paying for it)! To quickly catch up, as I have a TON of pattern making homework to do, I've made broaches and pillows (soon to be up on my shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/QuirkyCouture), sketched designs for Skintimates "Be Ready For Everything" contest (http://www.skintimatestudios.com/), and got the cartilage in my ear pierced!! Yay pretty pretty pain!!

Since I've been putting MUCH more effort into my Etsy shop (a wonderful creative online craft shop where artists display their excellent-ness), I'm considering asking SLC watchers to switch to my new QuirkyCouture Blog (soon be be uploaded in a few days).
I look forward to writing for you guys soon so enjoy the warmer weather!!!!! >'.'<